• “Construction of an overhead transmission line 110 kV on the territory of the FEZ” Vitebsk “Sector 1” / Design of 110kV overhead lines with OPGT and fiber optic cable laying

“Construction of an overhead transmission line 110 kV on the territory of the FEZ” Vitebsk “Sector 1” / Design of 110kV overhead lines with OPGT and fiber optic cable laying


 Within the framework of the project, the following was carried out:

  • construction of a double-chain 110 kV overhead line with an OKGT for connecting a new 110 kV “Zhurzhevo” substation by soldering off the existing 110 kV overhead line “Vitebsk-330 – Vitebsk CHPP”;
  • laying of the fiber-optic cable from the support No. 3 of the projected 110 kV overhead line to the 110 kV “KSM” PS.